Gosh, I have so many cookbooks.....I could open my own "We Trade 'Em" book store. LOL !!
Hungry Girl's "Recipes and Survival Strategies for Guilt-Free Eating in the Real World" is by far my favorite !! I purchased the book for $10 at COSTCO.
If you visit Hungry Girl you can see photos of all the recipes and POINTS Values (love, love, LOVE this).
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Leave a comment to let me know which recipes you've tried and what you think.
There are so many recipes I can't wait to try. So far I've had the "Lord of the onion rings" (almost as good as sex, LOL) and "fettuccine hungry girlfredo" (loved the sauce, didnt like the noodles)
Oh it must be the sexy onion ring comment that makes your blog questionable. LOL
Love it Reg. Take care doll.
Hey Reg! Love your blog! I need one for myself now...
So the book...First of all, thanks for tuning me onto this fabulous, fabulous book.
I've tried quite a few recipes...the breakfast veggie scramble is now my daily breakfast (filling)
I loved the taco salad for lunch. This week I'm tring the chef or the cob...I get them confused, but it's good. I like the idea of "chopping" the lettuce into small pieces. Maybe that's what I've hated about lettuce all these years...big, crunchy pieces...
Tonight we had the sloppy janes for dinner (a definate do-over) along with the onion rings. Didn't love them, didn't hate them...
The fried banana desert was super, as was the apple pie pocket. Oh, and yes, tomorrow night I will be making "Death by Chocolate" cupcakes for Gary to take to a pot luck at work.
Can't wait to try more...
Love the colors of your blog. I am going to check out the book, even though I'm not weight watchers. Sometimes I find great food ideas in the ww recipes... Keep up the good work!
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