Summer is all about fun, sun, friends, and food (at least it is here in my neck of the woods).
I usually find it easier to diet in the fall/winter. It seems like there are fewer get togethers during that time. Or, maybe I should rephrase that......fewer get togethers that I have little or no control over.
In the latter part of the year and early months of the new year we have DS9's Birthday, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, New Years, DD6's birthday and my birthday. Totally doable for me, because I host the birthdays, Thanksgiving and Christmas. For Hanukkah we go to my extended family's gathering (which I feel comfortable bringing my own stuff if need be), and I know beforehand that I need to stay away from the potato pancakes and sour cream. New Year's is at one of our neighbors which I plan to eat before heading out, and try to keep my buzz level low (I would much rather eat my POINTS than drink them......big switch from my usual partying self)
On the other hand, from May thru Labor Day we have multiple Birthdays, Communions, Baptisms, Block Parties, Beach Days, Reunions, and at least one BBQ on the weekend.....sometimes two.
So, we can view this a few ways....
1-Turn down invitations
2-Bring your own food (bring something portable (like a sandwich or fruit), eat in your car if you feel uncomfortable asking your host to cook for you) . Of course you'll want to eat before you get to the party so you're not starving.
3-Deal with it best you can. You have the tools, now use them.
After a few "Sorry we can't make it"s you will probably fall off the guest list (not good). How about if you bring a salad or side dish? (at least you'll have something you can eat) and bring your own beverage (I usually pack a few diet drinks and store in my car in a cooler in case there are only sugary drinks available). Can you imagine going to a BBQ where there is no diet soda or bottled water? Weird I know, but it does happen.
I think the best option is "Deal with it". If you've been to these folks' before, you kinda have an idea of what they're going to serve at their parties.
Here's a list of approximate POINTS Values for typical summer foods. If you go to a BBQ or Beach Party with no plan, you will probably use up all of your FLEX points AND WEEKLY POINTS ALLOWANCE (and probably some more).
Know the POINTS VALUE of foods before arriving at the party (these values are from the WW website. Your points may vary).
Hamburger on a bun, plain, 9 POINTS
Hot Dog on a roll, plain, 8 POINTS
Potato Salad, 1/2 c, 4-7 POINTS
Potato Chips, 14, 4 POINTS
Baked Beans, 1/2 c, 2-5 POINTS
Steak, 3 oz, 4-7 POINTS
Italian Sausage, 1 link, 6 POINTS
Apple Pie, slice, 7-10 POINTS
Corn on the Cob w/butter, 1 ear, 3 POINTS
Martini 3 POINTS
Sour Apple Martini 5 POINTS
Bud Light 2 POINTS the best you can with what you have and remember, one day will not make or break your diet. Make good choices, and make sure you get back on plan as soon as you leave the gathering (no stops at the McD's Drive Thru because "I blew it today, how much can an Big Mac hurt me.....I'll start fresh tomorrow").
Be prepared, reduce party stress, know the POINTS values of foods before going to the party and have a great summer !!